SS501 Park Jung Min’s twitter updated

Our Sexy Charisma PJM finally updated his twitter account.....

Here are his tweets:

Translation from bottom to top (according to posted time)

I can not sleep!! I have to wake up people who is sleeping!

Wake up ~~~ Wake up ~~~ Wake up ~~~ Wake up ~~~

You are good ~ Too good ~ I want to give my all ~

I started Facebook~!!

Yesterday …. When I see you.. me who turned my eye… please forget..

Sister in law….When I see you.. me who turned my eye… please forget..

Heo Jae …. When I see you.. me who turned my eye… please forget.. (As for Nothing but only for the humor! Sorry for grandmother Heo Gam Dok-nim)

Brother in law ….When I see you.. me who turned my eye… please forget..

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