KYU msg @ DSP webby 09/3/2010

Credits to + (English translation)
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Is… Long time no see..It’s been a long time. (2010-09-03 AM 2:20:51)

Wow I left a post..

Actually my laptop… hmm ..( I ) went to LA with Young Saeng to play..ㅜ

(This is) My my reason without notebook … I’ve been trying hard.. so!! Tried to pull out the thing which wrote before

Seems be!! Wow.. although a little slow, but ^ ^ is really good ~

Really!! Beauties … hmmhmm…

Do you subsist the typhoon well?…?? ㅜ Last night the wind blew too so I am not sleeping..ㅜ

Worries about the window… hukhuk..

Therefore spreads all day long to sleep today…^^

What’s up with everybody ..?!!

ㅎㅎ We are all doing well!!!

I am knowing well what you are worried ..^^ But do not worry, we get it!

We are always good ㅎㅎ ^^ Remember?! Our spirit ㅎㅎ!!

We’re always gone through with flying colors with confidence!

Elder brother is age and beard grew up a lot ..ㅎㅎ However to try to be pretty ㅎㅎ

Maybe the heart still in high school! ㅎㅎ but.. Already going on in mid 20′s !

Seemed like yesterday wearing school uniform when practicing a song ..^^

Anyway!! Recently school is started?!! Holiday’s over ~ ~ Everybody aja aja let’s fighting!!!

Always smiling aja aja !!! ^^

Everybody knows it’s a busy time but we have each other to live happily?!!

Fate touches us all ..! Let’s always enjoy joyfully and go to sleep ^^

Remember we will to get old together?! I’ll add one more thing ! Laugh and age together

We together ^^ hehe… bye bye ~

I know that the night must end..
And that the sun will rise..
And that the sun will rise ..
I know that the clouds must clear..
And that the sun will shine..
And that the sun will shine ..♡^^

Trip to the United States .. I saw the musical Lion King .. (This) was a phrase which reached to mind. ^^

As we all laugh together .. ^ ^

He went to the TOKTOK room as well.

잘자요요용 [규종]

Sleeps well [Kyu Jong]

행복한 웃음 가득한곳..만들 수 있죠..^^ [규종]

A happy place filled with laughter .. Can you make ..[Kyu Jong]

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