[Article] Jung Min receives immense popularity in Taiwan

It's a short article but still it's news about Jung Min's arrival in Taiwan and how we was welcomed by fans. Thanks so much to WonderrrLiz501 for the translation. ^^

Park Jung Min receives immense popularity upon solo arrival to Taiwan
Source : Liberty Times
Chinese to English translation by WonderrrLiz501 [or Wonderrrgirl] /liezle.blogspot.com

South Korea idol group
SS501 member Park Jung Min arrived solo in Taiwan yesterday, encountering immense popularity, attracting about 500 fans receiving him at the airport.

Park Jung Min arriving solo in Taiwan

Park Jung Min reached Taiwan grounds yesterday afternoon, together with 6 crew members and 16 South Korean media reporters. Upon seeing so many fans waiting for him in the airport, he took the time to stop to greet them, along the way continuing to smile. He will be having a press conference today to announce his future plans in the Chinese-speaking region.


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