[Trans] KyuJong & YoungSaeng’s Thank You Note in Manila Fanmeeting

Credit: @zzahya116 + @ss501facts (for tweeting) + rainaftershine. wordpress.com

YoungSaeng’s Thank You Note

Clouds always become rain..
Talking about our meeting
Every now and then you get drenched in rain
While waiting for me..
I could not even say a word of thanks
Among the many people…
I saw you searching for me
You said something to me
Always… loving only me
When I was looking for you
You smile at me
In that moment,
I will say with my eyes
Even the words ‘I Love You’
is not enough to express to You
my darlings,
who is a huge part of my life
Thank you for your love…

- By Heo Young Saeng
 SS501 The Bad Boy Prince
KJ and YS Fanmeeting and Story in Manila
February 5,2011
PICC The Forum 2

KyuJong’s Thank You Note

Thank you for always being by my side
Thank you for always accommodating me
Thank you for always taking care of me
Thank you for always being on my side
Thank you for always giving me strength
Thank you for making me smile
Thank you for making me shed tears of joy
Thank you for being together with me for such a long time
Thank you for spending precious time together today too I want to put in even more sincerity I am upset because I don’t have talent in writing..
I must repay the gratitude given by pretties..
I want to give even more happiness that I have received all these while
No, I will definitely do that.. we must grow old together
Hm…I prepared a small gift…^^
Thank you…

-By Kim Kyu Jong
SS501 The Eternal Center
KJ and YS Fanmeeting and Story in Manila
February 05, 2011
PICC, The Forum 2

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