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English translations courtesy of saylalala and xiaochu at Quainte501.com.


10-12-20 11:48 KST
日本の 空です。空港まで来てくれて皆あ りがとう(^ー^)ノhttp://yfrog.com/h2f72wj
This is Japan’s sky. Thank you everyone for coming to the airport (for me) (^ー^)ノhttp://yfrog.com/h2f72wj



10-12-20 08:28 KST
공항대기중 찰칵!^^ 다녀오겠슴둥!http://yfrog.com/h4jclcj
A snapshot at the airport!^^ I’ll go and come back!http://yfrog.com/h4jclcj
A (photo) shot while waiting in the airport!^^ I will return safely!http://yfrog.com/h4jclcj


10-12-20 02:03 KST
もうすぐ日本へ行くのに、眠れ{ 94;いよ(T_T)まだ 目が 말똥말똥です どうしよう!!http://yfrog.com/gyvuiukj
Even though I will be going to Japan soon, I can’t sleep (T_T) My eyes are still staring (open), what to do!!http://yfrog.com/gyvuiukj


credit: ss501foreverfans.proboards.com

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