[Info+Photo] Final Casts of “Mischievous Kiss”

They already had script reading yesterday (19 Jul) @ MBC dream Center and 1st shoot will begin 22nd. It was said that HyunJoong liked it so much

Male lead : Kim Hyun Joong (Naoki Irie)

Female lead : Jung So Min (Aihara Kotoko)

2nd Female lead : Min Hyo Rin (Reiko Matsumoto)

2nd Male lead : Lee Tae Sung (Kinnosuke Nakamura)

Younger brother (Naoki’s) : Choi Won Hong (Yuuki Irie)

Kotoko’s teacher : Hwang Hyo Eun

Teacher (of Naoki & Kotoko) : Kang Du

source: http://ss501fighting.wordpress.com
ISWAK DCGal // (backdoor) iswak BD + Ode+ Moleqobsession.blogspot.com
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