Hotsun Chicken Looking For Model To Work With Kim Hyun Joong

'Huntdown for Hotsun Chicken's full-time model S2' has begun searching for its full-time model to endorse for Hotsun Chicken together with Kim Hyun Joong.

On how to register application for yourself, you may head to Hotsun Chicken homepage (, all information will be available there.

For applicants who are intending to apply, he/she must be someone who wants to become a full-time model to work alongside Kim Hyun Joong to endorse for Hotsun Chicken, anyone can participate in this, application period will be from 2010 July 14~August 13.

For those who wishes to apply for audition, please possess your qualifications, resume, relevant documents pertaining to yourself, a total of 3 participants will be chosen eventually. The Number 1 will get 2 million won worth of cash and prizes, Number 2 will get 1 million won worth of cash and prizes, Number 3 will get 500K won worth of cash and prizes.

On the other hand, in the previous 'Huntdown for Hotsun Chicken's full-time model S1', a total of 2,862 people had joined in the application, and in the auditions held, not only were first-timers seen, even Miss Korea, super models, talents and singers were seen vying for a place. Amidst this fiery battle, the model who was eventually chosen has been shooting for paper advertisements, CFs, carrying out role as Hotsun's ambassador for 2 full years and even became a singer for Hotsun Chicken. For more information, please dial (+82) 02-333-5751.

Credits: + ode@blog

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