[Info] Jung Min ‘Not Alone’ Fanmeeting in Shanghai (Mass Purchase)

Reposted on ss501ode.blogspot.com + hyunderella.wordpress.com

Those who read Mandarin, hurry up get to the following webpages for your purchase of Jungmin’s Shanghai Fanmeet!

This is only for those who wishes to get a better seat for the fanmeet. After they collate the number of tix bought from them, they will then give the remaining number of tickets for sale to public. This is a pre-ordering act done by this fanclub who has already allianced with Shanghai Sony. It gives you guarantee of tickets plus good seats. It will be half the seats on the right side of the theatre.

Should you not wish to, you may wait for the public sales too.

Shanghai Fanmeet
Date: May 14
Time: 4PM
Venue: Shanghai Wanping Theatre

Co-ordinated by:SS501PF 豌豆之家 (http://www.ss501pf.com/)


Special Seat 680RMB

Normal Seat 580RMB


-one VIP entry ticket
-one piece of laser poster
-group photo after the fanmeet : 10 pax per group
**Max purchase of 2 tickets for each

→Special Seat 680RMB
-one Special Seat entry ticket
-one piece of laser poster
**Max purchase of 4 tickets for each

→Normal Seat 580RMB
-one Normal Seat entry ticket
-one piece of laser poster
**Max purchase of 4 tickets for each


From: No. 43 Park

Apart from ss501pf, another forum of Jung Min, No. 43 Park is also holding a pre-order for this event. They are also allianced with Shanghai Sony Music.

They have managed to get tickets from the left and center seats of the venue.

→VIP 980 RMB (1st round: 200 tickets only)
**group photo after the fanmeet : 10 pax per group

→Special Seat 680RMB (1st round: 50 tickets only)
First row of the back section & 2nd floor 1st row

→Normal Seat 580RMB (1st round: 200 tickets only)
2nd floor

First come first serve.
Payment are to be done before 4pm, 1st May.
Each ID can ONLY purchase 2 tickets.

More info of the detail

Q & A

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