[Info]Park Jung Min's first signing in HK info

大家久等了, 朴政珉首個簽名會將於4月24日下午3:00& #26044;大埔超級城C區美食坊舉行, 想攞簽名PASS, 有2個途徑. (方法一) 聽日(15/4)起於旺角朗豪坊CD Warehouse店預購新碟 "The, Park Jung Min"及留下個人資料於預購單上, 即可參加抽獎, 有機會贏取簽名Pass乙張, 名額20位, (截止日期:4月20日晚上), 得獎者將於4月21日由專人通知領獎Ą 41;法 (方法二) 4月21日起於大埔超級城指定商舖消Ũ 27;滿HK$800 (最多3張不同商戶之即日機印發票), 即有機會換取新碟及簽名Pass乙張, 憑簽名Pass可參加4月24日舉行之"大埔超 級城x朴政珉因為有你簽名會"(詳情ࡤ 7;參閱大埔超級城顧客服務中心之換 ;領細則及大埔超級城網站)

All waiting, Park Jung Min's first signing will be held April 24 3:00 pm at the Tai Po Mega Mall food court C, held at the signature to Luo PASS, there are 2 ways. (Method A) listening on (15 / 4) at the Langham Place CD Warehouse store pre-order new album "The, Park Jung Min" and leave personal information on pre-order list, and you can enter a lucky draw to win a signed photo of Pass quota of 20, ( Deadline: April 20 evening), the winners will be held April 21 to accept the award be notified by the method (Method II) April 21, Tai Po Mega Mall from designated shops in the spending of HK $ 800 (up to three different merchant machine issued tickets now), that is, the opportunity for new album and photo of the signature Pass, Pass by the signature can be held April 24 to participate in the "Tai Po Mega Mall x Park Jung Min signature because you will" (For details,See the Customer Service Centre, Tai Po Mega Mall, the redemption details and the Tai Po Mega Mall site)

Credit : Sony Music Entertainment Hong Kong + ss501foreverfans.proboards.com

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