[Scan] Hyun Joong -- Weekly ASAHI Magazine - February Issue by Elley

Credit: blog.daum.net/elley0606
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Park Jung Min shows you how to spell his name correctly in Chinese

Park Jung Min, who recently made his comeback with the single, “Not Alone“, also has a Facebookprofile (you can actually add him as a friend)!

He recently put up an adorable video on his profile showing fans how to spell his name in Chinese. It’s probably a good thing to do, as he’s preparing for his Taiwanese drama debut, followed by promotions in Japan and China as well.

He’s got a jam-packed, hectic schedule for 2011, so keep a lookout for this busy star as he moves from country to country!

Check out the video here.

Source: Park Jung Min’s Facebook

[Trans] KyuJong, YoungSaeng & JungMin – Fans Magazine February Issue

Kim Kyu Jong V.S.Heo Young Saeng

A new start in year 2011

SS501 member Kim Kyu Jong and Heo Young Saeng both signed with a new agency B2M last year, and started Asia Fan-meeting from Seoul, they went to Thailand Bangkok and the 3rd stop was held in Hong Kong. Although they are not doing activities as 5, the green pea princess are very loyal, they still supported and went for their activities. Kim Kyu Jong and Heo Young Saeng are two good brothers who stood side by side, (can’t depict what’s the whole sentence here since 1/2 of the sentence got covered up by watermark. T_T) They also revealed their confirmed work schedule, YoungSaeng will be releasing a solo album in February, and KyuJong who is celebrating his birthday in Feburary will also talk about his unforgettable present!

SS501 members belong in different agencies now, do you all still contact each other frequently?

Usually i will still contact the other 3 members, but because the chance of us working together had turned lesser, we cannot meet up like how we used to do. But luckily the internet is very advance now, the few of us loves to play twitter, though we cannot get together often, but i can know what is everyone doing through twitter.

It was said that you were working hard on English to improve on your language. Apart from languages, are there anything you will like to learn?

I did not specially learn English previously, i did not go for lessons or hire a tutor, but i used English to email a few friends i know from overseas, i am happy to know these friends because i get a chance to learn English. With regards to performing work, i wish to learn more about acting, this will help me in my acting in the future. In addition, i was actually interested in art during middle school. If there is a chance, i will like to continue to learn drawing, enriching myself in different aspect.

2011 has just started, does KyuJong have any special new wish in a new year?

Because everyone now in the group are doing their solo activities, so i wish that everyone can success in what they are doing. I will also work hard, i hope to do more things which satisfy me.

Although your work is busy these days, do you have anything you personally like to do during your free time?

I am crazy in love with painting and calligraphy, i will start to paint whenever i am free.

February 24th is KyuJong’s birthday, i will like to wish you a happy birthday on behalf of all your fans! Do you have any present you will like to receive specially this year?

I don’t have any present which i will like to receive specially this year. But previously in a year, a fan gave me a present which its hard to be forgotten. The fan gave me a big photobook on my birthday, containing photos from the day i debuted till now, looking at those photos, it brings me back to the past, i felt that it was meaningful, and i will always keep this present with me.

Do you wish to challenge any new work in a new year?

Although i will continue to sing, i wish to challenge acting. In a acting world, i am a newbie, so no matter what roles are given to me, i will still want to challenge it. But i want to film a romantic love story the most. In a new year, i wish that more people will notice me and know my characteristics.

What type of brother is YoungSaeng hyung to you?

YoungSaeng hyung makes me feel that he is cool when i started to know him, and even seems hard to get close to. But after knowing him, i can feel that he always think for others, and he is a person who is considerate and caring, and he is also a good listener! The most unusual is, although he is tired sometimes, he will never forget to take care people around him.

Talk about your ideal partner?

I like girls whose body are nice, and her personality must be friendly and lively, as my personality is rather *depress (*Sorry, i can’t see what is this word since the scan is not really good.), lack of a little confidence, so i hope the partner whom i date will influence me, to help me to improve my shortcomings.

2011 has just started, does YoungSaeng have any special new wish in a new year?

My biggest wish is to produce a solo work in 2011, and fortunately, it will be fulfilled in February, please support me! The new album will mainly be dance music, i rested for a period of time previously, now i will start again, hope to bring a new different feeling to the fans.

YoungSaeng is normally interested in photography, do you have any plan to release a photobook?

Erm, i thought of it before. But not exactly thinking about it specifically. If there is a day where i releases one, i will write words inside the photobook, letting everyone to see my photos, more sensation, and to bring out more.

Although your work is busy these days, do you have anything you personally like to do during your free time?

Although the schedule is pretty busy these days, i fell in love with sports recently, i have been playing baseball since last year, and i usually play with my friends.

Do you wish to challenge any new work in a new year?

Actually from debut till now, i don’t really wish to become just a singer only. I also wish to challenge acting. I know i will be busy in this year, but if there is a chance to act, i will accept with courage, i hope to act a role… which everyone (Man, woman, child, elderly) will love! (Laughs)

What type of brother is KyuJong to you?

KyuJong’s personality is really easy to get along with, this is also what i admire about him, no matter where is he, he can get along with people harmoniously.

Talk about your ideal partner?

I love girls who is lovely (cute) with kind-hearted personality.

Previously you went to Hong Kong for fan-meeting, do you have any place you wished to go?

The time we spent in Hong Kong was very short, we don’t have any time to play. I went to Lan Kwai Fong way previously, but there were so many people, so i left after awhile, it’s a pity.

Park Jung Min

Not lonely in red rabbit year

Park Jung Min, Not Alone……

Releasing a solo Korean album alone in SS501, he displayed more sexy charisma than in the past. During the interview, he shared the things he anticipated the most during Chinese New Year, he self-written down his greeting wishes, and even drew a cute rabbit, wishing everyone a red rabbit year! The editor also wished Jungmin to get more popular in Asia in his year on behalf of all the fan, with so much support from his fans, he is definitely not alone.

Q1) Jungmin releases the first solo album, during preparation, what is the difference of your feeling like without having members around you and you need to face everything alone?

The first time without SS501 members by my side, i would feel lonely occasionally, however, upon thinking about the other members who are also doing their solo activities right now, it encourages me to bring a ‘I must work even harder’ feeling. Although releasing an album alone, i would feel nervous and stress, but the staff beside me always take care of me, it allowed me to fully utilize ‘Park Jung Min”s characteristics, (Laughs) I will be myself, and really thankful for them.

Q2) You always said that you represent ‘Sexy Charisma’, did you show your sexiness in the album?

Er… in this album, i can say that it fully showed my charisma! (Laughs) Apart from ‘Sexy Charisma’, everyone will get to see me walking towards becoming matured from teenager, an adult side.

Q3) What was the most unforgettable thing in 2010?

I think its the process of producing my album. Because i really put in effort in everything, everyone please support me!

Q4) This year is a rabbit year, Jungmin who is born in rabbit year, what’s your wish related to rabbit in your own zodiac year? In addition, what’s your 3 biggest aim in rabbit year?

Wish which is related to rabbits? I wish that Royal Avenue’s rabbit babies will grow up healthily and happily (Laughs); the schedule in 2011 is really packed, i hope everything will go on smoothly. And my 3 biggest aim in this year is: firstly, good sales in my solo album; secondly, i am going to film a drama in Taiwan, i hope it will be welcomed and loved by everyone; thirdly, to become an Asia superstar!

Q5) Previously you participated in a Japanese musical in Japan, what did you improved from the 1st musical you did in Korea in 2008?

The musical in Japan and the musical previously in Korea, of course the acting improved a lot! The actor’s age in Japanese musical Kizuna are around the same as mine, so we are comfortable with chatting with each another, its a memory hard to be forgotten.

Q6) Jungmin lost as much as 12kg just for the album? Did you normally have any special methods on it? Please share the secret of maintaining health with everyone?

I did not deliberately use any special methods to lose my weight. Because i looked at myself during Love Ya period MV previously, i felt that i looks fat on screen, so i started to go to the gym to exercise on a regular basis, and also took more notice on the calories intake. My regimen… is to eat more and sleep more (Laughs), and to drink more water~ Thanks for everyone concern, i am a healthy baby, please do not worry about me.

Q7) Jungmin who has special compatibility with the Taiwan fans, what do you like most about them? What incident did they do which made a deep impression in you?

I love Taiwan fan’s passion! The incident which made me left a deep impression should be whenever i am in Taiwan, there will be many motorbike and taxi following my van, but it is really dangerous. I am worried about the fans meeting with accident in the van, everyone please do not do such a dangerous act again.

Q8) What’s your most anticipated thing in the past Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year is a really important festival in Korea, no matter how far i live away, during Chinese New Year period, i will need to return home and gather with family. The younger generation will put on traditional costume and bow to the elder on the morning of the 1st day; at this time, the elders will give children red packets which symbolize good fortune and lucky, after eating rice cake soup, which symbolize that we grow up by 1 year. When i was a kid, the thing i anticipated was to collect the money and go to the nearest toy store near my house to buy toys with my sister. (Laughs)

Q9) Jungmin’s Chinese is constantly improving, what did you learn recently?

I learn lots of Chinese recently. But the one i remembered the most is ‘I feel like sleeping after eating.’ Sometimes, i started Chinese lesson after eating. (Laughs) So i felt like sleeping especially.

Scanned by ForeverYS (foreverystw.url.tw/)

English translation: rainaftershine.wordpress.com

[Message] Hyung Jun @ Japan Official Fanclub [JJUNAWAY] [2011.01.27]

Source: JJunaway (kimhyungjun.jp)
Translation: Only Jun (kimhyungjun.net)
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Hello, I'm Kim Hyung Jun.
Today I'm having a photoshoot for a women's magazine.

Musical Cafe-In performances have also ended smoothly
It is only a few days away before I meet everyone in Japan

Have also smoothly signed a deal with Avex
Only left with the official Japanese solo album activity?
Eum?my first target is
my album to enter the Oricon chart!!

JJUNAWAY everyone will give me a lot of support right?

Wish to meet everyone sooner.
Everyone is also thinking the same right? he he

SS501’s Park Jung Min almost debuted as a Super Junior member

On January 27th, SS501’s Park Jung Min made a guest appearance on Mnet’s “Beatles Code“, through which he not only revealed some pre-debut photos, but he also shared a shocking pre-debut story as well.

He began, “I was scouted by an agency in the middle of the street when I was 13 years old. At the time, I was casted into both DSP Media and SM Entertainment.

He continued, “I had to choose between one or the other. At the time, SM told me that they were preparing a new group, but that the group consisted of many members. Thinking about it now, it was probably Super Junior. I saw them rehearsing, too.”

When asked why he chose DSP Media over SM Entertainment, Park Jung Min answered, “I thought about wanting to see myself on TV and believed that I’d be able to debut faster through DSP Media, which was what influenced my decision.”

He then revealed various pictures from his pre-debut days. MC Yoon Jong Shin quickly spotted a CF Park Jung Min had done for condoms. He asked, ”Are you not embarrassed seeing it now?”

Park Jung Min confidently replied, “Not at all. It was an advertisement advocating a message of safe sex. I’m actually satisfied.”

Source: Star News via Nate + allkpop.com

[News] Park JungMin held new album fan meeting, fans not fearing of under zero degree temperature giving passionate support

Credit : www.sonymusic.com.tw + yuki @ FB

English translation: PlanetHyun.blogspot.com

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South Korea popular group SS501 member Park JungMin last saturday held his solo but not disband first solo fan meeting, on the day South Korea receive the first cold front making the weather to change to under zero degrees, lots of faithful fans not fearing of the low temperature waited and queueing at the event venue for few hours, just to meet their idol, while the kind Park JungMin also show his concern to fan queueing under the cold weather, specially requested his staff to distribute heat pack to each fans, making fans to felt touch and cried, kept saying the heat pack that the staff gave to fans not only warm everyone's body, even their heart felt so warm.

This fan meeting of Park JungMin in South Korea, has specially invited popular South Korea entertainment host Jung Joli* (*鄭茉莉, sorry I am not sure what is the correct romanization), at the same time also from SS501, having brotherly relationship with Park JungMin, another member Kim HyungJun specially rush over to Park JungMin's fan meeting right after the completion of his musical, giving Park JungMin who was making his first solo debut his cheer and support, making Park JungMin surprised and happy. His another SS501 member KyuJong although couldn't personally present, also specially send a message to cheer and support Park JungMin, making his local and oversea fans felt SS501 members strong friendship. After holding his South Korea fan meeting, Park JungMin immediately revealed that he wish to come to Taiwan to meet with his Taiwan fans, scheduled on 20 February Park JungMin will arrived in Taiwan to hold his solo fan meeting, the organizer Sony Music also revealed curently the Taiwan Park JungMin fan meeting is being closely planned, once finalize will immediately release related information, also hope that fan do not buy from unknown source and also don't listen to false rumour spreading on websites, all related information will be released from Sony Music Official Website www.sonymusic.com.tw.

Park JungMin first solo debut from popular group SS501, releasing using his personal name, his first solo Mini Album 'Not Album' created warm response at the same time in whole Asia, other than releasing in Taiwan the same mini album which has received great attention in South Korea, in order to give exclusivity to Taiwan fans, South Korea side has agreed to allow Taiwan album to include special exclusive card stickers, there are total 4 different Park JungMin solo photo card sticker, each album will include one piece, making a lot of fans to say that no matter purchasing how many pieces also wanted to collect all 4 photo even before the album sales. Also, fans who purchase this Taiwan edition Mini Album earlier would have chance to win a big poster, it is definitely worth its value.

Starting from Taiwan time 7pm, 26 January for 3 days, the solo song 'Not Alone' will start broadcast at Hit FM. This powerful music MV will also first broadcast on 27 - 29 January in Channel [V], fans who want to see Park JungMin's breakthrough in terms of music and visual, do not miss this opportunity and stay tune to the above channels.

SS501’s Park Jung Min reveals his thoughts on working as a solo artist

Despite his seven-year career in the music industry, SS501’s Park Jung Min has been dealing with a lot of ‘firsts’ ever since he returned with his solo album, “Not Alone.”

Out of all five of his fellow group members, he’s the first to officially kick off a solo career. Although he originally intended to return last November, he delayed it for two months out of respect for the Yeonpyeong Island skirmish.

He began, “I attempted for the first time to write all of the songs in the album. I wanted to deliver my honest thoughts through my own voice. I’ve always liked drawing and writing, but it was an aspect of myself that I wasn’t able to express with SS501. I’m planning to write the lyrics for every new song that will be out under my name. The thought of someone reading my lyrics made me feel shy and pressured at first, but writing little by little brought out a sort of excitement.”

When asked about the differences between performing as a soloist and with a group, he replied,“There’s no time to rest as a soloist, since I have to do everything on my own. With SS501, I was able to sleep when the other members went into filming (laughter). As a soloist, all of the focus is on me.”

Park Jung Min then revealed that he underwent a 12 kg weight loss. “It’s difficult to lose weight the first time, but now, no matter how much I eat, I just don’t gain weight. My basic stamina has improved. Even though my schedule is busy, I try to fit in exercise. Kim Jong Kook-hyung, Super Junior, and SHINeeall come to my gym. Since all of their bodies are shaping up, I can’t lose to them, now can I?”

The star also discussed SS501’s new group album, which is scheduled for release later this year. “Once SS501’s schedule is confirmed, I’m planning to postpone my personal activities. As opposed to going out of everyone’s way to make it happen, I’d rather that we just naturally came together.”

His goal for the new year is to tour at least five countries. Park Jung Min explained, “Park Jung Min is part of SS501, but through my solo album, I want to let the public know who I am. My 2011 goal is to become a man that people want to hug (laughter). Since I am of age now (25), I want to express a more masculine aspect of myself.”

Source: Newsen via Nate + allkpop.com